(480) 236-0623‬ etherealstudioaz@gmail.com

Ethereal Studio AZ

Facial Aesthetics and wellness

Experience Ethereal Studio at our location in Scottsdale, where elegance meets personalized care.

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Lip filler

The Ethereal Philosophy

At Ethereal Studio, we focus on enhancing the natural beauty of self-assured women, offering sophisticated solutions that harmonize with your unique journey towards empowerment and self-discovery.

African American woman laughing

we believe

We focus on personal connections, offering tailored, one-on-one attention that resonates with your specific needs and expectations as a mature woman. Our commitment to a high standard of service ensures an honest, expert consultation, emphasizing a natural look that enhances your innate elegance.
blond woman smiling

we understand

At Ethereal Studio, there’s no pressure—just an unwavering focus on your well-being and experience. We understand that your journey towards feeling your best requires a space where luxury meets authenticity, where expertise meets understanding. Indulge in an atmosphere crafted for your comfort.

asian woman smiling

we provide

Our discerning clientele seeks more than a mere service; they crave a luxurious self-care experience that fortifies their self-confidence. Here, you’ll find a sanctuary—a boutique, intimate space curated to provide comfort and relaxation.. Embark on a transformation that celebrates your maturity, individuality, and self-assurance. 



Wrinkle-relaxing treatments, aka tox 

Ethereal Studio AZ offers both Botox & Dysport, popular neurotoxins to smooth away the signs of time, resulting in a refreshed, relaxed appearance. Common treatment areas include the forehead (including the muscles that can make us look angry), crow’s feet, chin, and muscles that pull down the corner of the mouth. Results will be apparent in less than a week, and usually last 4-6 months, often longer.

What are wrinkle-relaxing treatments, and how do they work?

Wrinkle-relaxing treatments, such as Botox or Dysport, utilize purified toxins to temporarily relax facial muscles that cause wrinkles. By blocking nerve signals to these muscles, these treatments smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Are wrinkle-relaxing treatments safe?

Yes, when administered by a skilled professional, wrinkle-relaxing treatments are generally safe. Our practitioners at Ethereal Studio are experienced and have received specialized training, ensuring safety and optimal results. Ethereal provides information on the benefits, risks, & and potential side effects of all of our treatments. This last part is something I think we should include in The Ethereal Philospphy along w/ pre-procedure consultation.

How long do the effects of wrinkle-relaxing treatments last?

Typically, the effects of wrinkle-relaxing treatments last around 3 to 4 months. However, individual results may vary based on factors such as metabolism, treatment area, and dosage. Our specialists will discuss the expected duration during your consultation.

Are there any side effects associated with these treatments?

Mild and temporary side effects may occur, including slight bruising, redness, or headaches post-treatment. These usually subside within a few days. Severe side effects are rare.

Can wrinkle-relaxing treatments be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, wrinkle-relaxing treatments can complement other cosmetic procedures like dermal fillers or skin rejuvenation treatments. Our experts at Ethereal Studio can create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring harmonious and enhanced results.

woman having botox
Woman with red hair
Dermal Filler
peaceful woman with eyes closed

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers made with hylyauronic acid target areas of the face that have lost  volume such as the lips, cheeks, jaw, nasolabial folds (smile lines) and marionette lines. Impact of these fillers can be seen immediately & generally remain for 9-12 months. Product is obtained directly from FDA approved companies in the United States. 

What are dermal fillers, and how do they work?

Dermal fillers are injectable gels made of hyaluronic acid or similar substances that are used to restore volume, smoothen lines, and enhance facial contours. They work by attracting and binding water molecules to plump and hydrate the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and folds.

What areas can dermal fillers treat?

Dermal fillers can be used to address various concerns, including adding volume to lips, filling in wrinkles and fine lines, contouring cheeks, jawline, and chin, as well as reducing the appearance of under-eye hollows and scars.

Are dermal fillers safe?

Yes, when administered by a trained and qualified professional, dermal fillers are generally safe.  We use FDA-approved products manufactured by Allergan, Galderma, & Candela, all companies on the cutting edge of aesthetic medicine.

How long do dermal fillers last, and what is the recovery time?

Yes, when administered by a trained and qualified professional, dermal fillers are generally safe.  We use FDA-approved products manufactured by Allergan, Galderma, & Candela, all companies on the cutting edge of aesthetic medicine.

Can dermal fillers be combined with other treatments?

Absolutely. Dermal fillers can complement other aesthetic procedures such as Botox, chemical peels, or microneedling for a comprehensive rejuvenation approach. 


Microneedling is also known as collagen induction therapy. A special, FDA cleared device is used to create hundreds of tiny channels that allow for certain skin care products to reach lower levels of the skin, and also stimulate your body to produce more collagen in the treated area. This can result in improved skin texture & brightness. A topical anesthetic is applied to the face to minimize discomfort. Best results are seen when three treatments, 3 months apart are employed.

What is micro-needling, and how does it work?

Micro-needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin’s surface. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing response, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, leading to improved skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. Frequently topical agents such as hylauronic acid are applied at the end of treatment. This allows the products to permeate deeper levels of the skin. 

What skin concerns can micro-needling address?

Micro-needling is effective in treating various skin concerns, including reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, minimizing acne scars, improving skin texture and tone, reducing pore size, and enhancing the overall radiance and youthfulness of the skin.

Is micro-needling painful, and what can I expect during the procedure?

While some patients may experience mild discomfort, we use topical numbing agents to minimize any potential discomfort. During the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling or sensation similar to light sandpaper being moved across the skin.

How many sessions are typically recommended, and when will I see results?

The number of sessions required can vary based on individual skin concerns and desired outcomes. Generally, a series of sessions spaced about 4-6 weeks apart is recommended for optimal results. Initial improvements may be noticed within a few weeks following the first session, with continued enhancement over several months as collagen production increases.

Are there any post-treatment care instructions I should follow?

After a micro-needling session, it’s essential to follow post-procedure instructions in order to maximize results and minimize any potential side effects. Faithful use of a high SPF sunscreen & use of proper skincare products, ensure the best results.

Woman having microneedling
mature woman smiling
Woman injecting semaglutide in stomach
Woman on scale smiling


Originally developed as a drug to treat diabetes, this injectable medication increases the time your body takes to digest food, leaving you feeling full longer. Injections are weekly, in office, and the dose is adjusted per manufacturer guidelines. A weight loss of 8-20 pounds the first month is not unusual. Ethereal Semaglutide Weight Loss Program administers the medications in the office, perfect for those who might be squeamish about needles. In office injections also allow for review of any side effects, and discussion about strategies for lasting success. The program is reasonably priced and can be discontinued at any time. Our semaglutide is obtained from an FDA licensed compounding pharmacy.

What is Semaglutide and how does it contribute to weight loss?

Semaglutide is a medication originally developed to treat type 2 diabetes. However, studies have shown that it can also lead to significant weight loss. It works by affecting appetite control centers in the brain, reducing food intake, and promoting a feeling of fullness.

Who is eligible for the Semaglutide Weight Loss program?

The Semaglutide Weight Loss program is typically prescribed to individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, or a BMI of 27 or higher with at least one weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. However, eligibility may vary, and it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional.

What are the potential side effects of using Semaglutide for weight loss?

Common side effects of Semaglutide include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. In some cases, individuals may experience low blood sugar levels. It’s crucial to discuss potential side effects with your healthcare provider before starting the program.

How long does it take to see results with the Semaglutide Weight Loss program?

Individual results may vary, but many people start to see significant weight loss within the first few weeks of starting the Semaglutide program. It’s important to combine medication with a healthy diet and regular physical activity for optimal results.

Is Semaglutide safe for long-term use, and what happens if I stop taking it?

The safety of long-term use is still being studied. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s guidance on the duration of the program. If you decide to stop taking Semaglutide, your healthcare provider will provide instructions to ensure a safe and gradual discontinuation to prevent any potential rebound effects on weight.

Note: Before starting any weight loss program, including Semaglutide, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine suitability and receive personalized advice.

Meet Laurie Harris

Ethereal Studio AZ , where sophistication meets wellness, is owned by Laurie Harris, a seasoned nurse practitioner with decades of experience in esteemed medical facilities nationwide. Laurie’s journey began as a Southern belle, adorned with Southern charm, before she embarked on a new chapter in the Valley of the Sun in 1998.

Having transitioned from the high-pressure environment of hospital settings to a fulfilling career in corporate wellness and care, Laurie has now embarked on a transformative journey that began with her own facial aesthetics experience. She uses her expertise in health & wellness to support clients who want to make their wellbeing a priority. Helping clients feel good on the outside, and healthy on the inside is Laurie’s passion. 

Laurie’s secret to success lies in listening to one’s higher self and allowing intuition to guide the way. Taking note of the ebbs & flows of life signals the right path—a philosophy that permeates her approach to life and business.

At home, Laurie finds joy surrounded by her beloved pets, Mocha and Sunshine who bring boundless happiness to Laurie’s life, complementing her nurturing nature.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Laurie revels in the simple pleasures of life—cherishing moments at home, relishing the company of close friends, and indulging in hobbies that rejuvenate her spirit. Her Southern roots shine through in her culinary skills, infusing Southern flavors into her cooking. Working with flowers and plants is not just a hobby but a therapeutic escape, while travel opens new vistas of inspiration and cultural exploration.

Ethereal Studio is a reflection of Laurie’s unwavering commitment to sophistication, wellbeing, and a life well-lived—a sanctuary where clients are not just nurtured but inspired to embrace their own journey towards holistic beauty and wellbeing.

Experience the ethereal difference— a celebration of mature confidence, reimagined.


Tues & Thurs 6:30p-9pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 10am-2pm